For this cook I am using a pellet smoker and hickory pellets/cherry. You can use what ever cooking method you like.
-set your smoker at 225 degrees and let it come up to temp.
-8 to 10 lbs pork butt/ shoulder. Seasoning with croixvalley bbq dry rub all meat & Kansas city .OPTIONAL prior to seasoning you can rub down with mustard as a binder to help build a nice bark
-rest the pork butt/shoulder on a wire cooking rack in the fridge for 1-2 hours
-I placed the meat in a tinfoil pan fat side down this way the drippings remain in the pan and helps with the cook.
-I smoked the meat over night until it reached 203-204 internal temp. Total cook time was about 13 hours.
-remove meat and let it rest for 15 minutes before pulling apart.
-if you have company over you can cook a day prior or you can store it in an empty cooler wrapped with tinfoil and towel and it will hold temperature for 4 hours no problem.